wired local-area network

英 美
  • 有线局域网
  • area n.面积;地区,地段;区域;领域
  • local adj.地方性的;当地的;局部的n.当地人
  • network n.网点;网络;网状系统;广播公司
  • wired adj.有线的;供以电线的;以铁丝围起的;十分兴奋的动词wire的过去式和过去分词形式.
    1. At this price,the initial cost of deploying a high-speed wireless LAN is roughly equivalent to that of deploying a wired LAN.
    2. But the lifetime operational costs of wireless LANs can be substantially less than those of wired LANs, particularly in environments requiring frequent modification.